Everyone has a story...some harder to share than others.

I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
Part One: Age 10 - The Tornado
The Tornado Like many summer break days, my best friend Jesse and I played outside, rode bikes, ate freezies, and for the most part, let our imaginations run free. We loved sports, mainly football and basketball, but we weren't too picky. Quite frankly, any activity that allowed us to hang out and be friends was perfect. Our new friendship was formed in grade five; Jesse's family had moved to the area a year prior, but it wasn't long before the two of us became fast friends. Our houses were less than two blocks apart with a shortcut that ran down a back alley beside a wooded ravine. I rode my bike so many times to his house that I can still remember the bumps and potholes on the road 35 years later. We had a good life…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
Part Two: Age 13 - The Accident
The Accident As I hung up the phone, my Father asked, "Ryan, who was that?" peeking his head over the bathtub's edge. Our house had one bathroom at the end of the hallway, so if the door was left open, you could see to the other end of the house. Yup, line of sight wasn't an issue in the Hopf residence. I'm not sure why Dad left the door open while he was in the bathtub; maybe it was because there was no fan. Either way, I vividly remember having many conversations with him from the other side of the house. Perhaps it was for the better, though, because I had an equal amount of fear and admiration for the man they called Walter. With the soap-covered bubbles on his head, he was far less intimidating, which made our conversations much more manageable…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
Part Three: Age 19 - The Sound
Part One: Age 10 - The Tornado Part Two: Age 13 - The Accident Part Three The building was sold out, and the Oilers were leading, which was unusual in the mid-90s as the city struggled to keep the team and move on from the Wayne Gretzky era. My brother Joel and I were at the game together, but we didn't arrive at the same time as Joel was adamant about goi…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
Part Four: Present Day - The Rise
Well, we made it! For those reading this for the first time, links to part 1-3 are below 👇🏼 Part One: Age 10 - The Tornado Part Two: Age 13 - The Accident Part Three: Age 19 - The Sound It probably goes without saying, but part three was tough to write, and I'm sure it was an equally challenging read for you. One of the goals I had for writing the series was to provide space for reflection and discussion should anyone want to learn or share their story…
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