Real people...real stories

I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
10 Outrageous Situations You Hopefully Won't Have to Face as a Leader
Joining a company with the mandate of turning around the performance and culture of the people is equally daunting from all fronts. The good news is that most people have good intentions and want to do the right thing for the company and themselves. The not-so-good news is the minority of people who d…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
The Book I Give to Every Manager of People
Let’s face it; thousands of inspirational leadership books and strategies are available on the market. I certainly haven’t read them all, but I have read most. The common theme I consistently run into seems to be how to take what I just read and implement it within the organization…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
Let's Talk a Little Pressure
The Employees. The Owner. And You. The truth is most people could do it, and I highly admire anyone stepping up and attempting these complex and rewarding challenges. To fully understand what you, as the leader, will be signing up for, I have written this through my lens as a leader and the realities of what to expect. Indeed…
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I Sh*t You Not with Ryan Hopf
So your new boss wants to meet…now what?
With every leadership role in my career, I have met every employee face to face, shook their hand and looked them in the eye as I acknowledged them. Ideally, I would also have the opportunity to sit 1-on-1 with each of them for an hour over lunch to get comfortable with each other and share our thoughts and perspectives…
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